

Havana, April 10, 2018

Esteemed colleague:

The Cuban Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is pleased to announce the IX Congress of the Cuban Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, to be held October 1-4, 2019 in Havana Conference Center, in Cuba.

With the motto “A New Echelon: Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality”, the event REHABILITACIÓN 2019 will include, in its scientific program for Thursday, October 3, the I International Symposium on Rehabilitation Nursing; topics of relevant update worldwide will be addressed by specialists of recognized national and international prestige; debate, updating and exchange of experiences will be fostered among the professionals of physical medicine and rehabilitation, a scenario where Cuba will present the outcomes achieved in the field of rehabilitation at different levels of healthcare and promoting regional collaboration.


Jorge Luis González Roig, PhD

President of the Organizing Committee for REHABILITACIÓN 2019